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Humanidade suicida Consumismo não funciona em um planeta com recursos finitos. Estamos caminhando a passos largos em direção à extinção. fonte - Social Fly de 18 de fevereiro de 2014

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Crônicas do consumismo, à entrada de dezembro

Publicidade ensina crianças a acariciar… o plástico. Jornais anunciam skates de mogno. E se “Admirável Mundo Novo” já não for ficção? A culpa cumpre um papel. É o que distingue o resto da população dos psicopatas. Trata-se do sentimento que…

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Global Food: Waste Not, Want Not!

The tragedy of waste: A new report by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers has found that as much as 50% of all food produced around the world never reaches a human stomach due to issues as varied as inadequate infrastructure…

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Toxic Threads – The Big Fashion Stitch-Up

Greenpeace International has commissioned a new investigation that delves even further into the hazardous chemicals used in the production of high street fashion. Spurred on by the success of Greenpeace's Detox Campaign, which exposed the links between textile manufacturing facilities…

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