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BASF’s greenwash does not wash green enough

Consumers are being bombarded by ‘greenwash’ – claims of environmentally friendly products – all the time and the packaging industry is a major offender. However the recent claims of BASF, one of the worst polluters in Germany making up a significant amount of the pollution in that country, to be on target for green goals in one of the most extreme cases of ‘greenwash’ that this publication has seen for some time.

The company claims that specific greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced by 29% compared with 2002, which BASF admits is the first time it has met its goal – although by setting easier targets in line with German legislation.

BASF says that it is currently working on new goals for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions although this is something which both German and EU rules will force it do.

According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, BASF is now facing a fine of around EUR350m set by a court for pollution it caused in Brazil. In the past it has also faced union organised boycotts of its products due to its lack of environmental concern.

BASF refused to answer questions on its environmental practices put to it by CEE Packaging.

Fonte – CEE Packaging de 10 de março de 2011

Para quem não sabe, este é o maior, senão o único fornecedor atualmente da matéria prima para a produção das sacolinhas hidrobiodegraáveis e compostáveis de R$ 0,19 distribuídas em BH, Jundiaí e outras cidades.

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