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Inglaterra – Desde Setembro de 2006 todas as sacolas plásticas gratuítas da Tesco são degradáveis

Foto do Presidente da Tesco ( Sir Terry Leahy ) e as sacolinhas plásticas d2w Degradáveis e Biodegradáveis

Desde Setembro de 2006 todas as sacolas plásticas gratuítas da Tesco são degradáveis.

Além das sacolas, todas as embalagens plásticas flexíveis para embalagem de frutas, verduras, legumes e pães também são d2w.

Tesco é a 4ª maior rede varejista do mundo.


Since 2006 we’ve introduced more ways to make it easier for you to use fewer bags, if not give them up altogether.

We were the first UK retailer to sign up to a new UK Government Voluntary Code on carrier bags in February 2007.

This aimed to cut the amount of bags used, reduce the environmental impact of each bag and increase bag recycling rates.

All our free carrier bags are now degradable

In September 2006 all of our free carrier bags were made degradable. These break down in just 18 months without leaving anything that could harm the environment.

Helping you to re-use carrier bags

Every time you re-use a carrier bag instead of getting a new one, you’re helping to make a difference. Our customers also said they’d like us to reward them for being a little greener. So, every time you re-use any bags, we’ll give you Green Clubcard Points. The more bags you re-use, the more you’ll collect.

It doesn’t matter what kind of bag it is. In fact it doesn’t even have to be a bag. Anything you want to use to get your shopping home is great with us, as long as it’s not a new plastic bag! And if everyone uses just one less carrier bag, we’ll be using an incredible 1 billion fewer bags each year.

Reusable bags

We have extended our range of re-usable bags, including our ‘Bag for Life’ which is made from recycled materials and available for just 10p. Whenever yours wears out, we’ll replace it free of charge.

In store you’ll find a choice of shopping bags, in a range of sizes and materials, including environmentally friendly jute.

Reusing and recycling

Every year the UK gets through over 12 billion bags – that’s all of them, not just those from Tesco. Re-using them is the best way to reduce this number, as it avoids using up resources and energy to produce more bags. However, if your bags have worn out or you have lots of spare ones at home, you can take them to Tesco for recycling.

Most of our larger stores have carrier bag recycling bins. Every time you pop in for something, you can drop off all your old carriers too. delivery drivers will now collect all of your unwanted bags for recycling too. They’ll pick up all your plastic bags, not just Tesco ones.
Find out more about recycling here

We’re making bagless deliveries too!

We’ve recently started making bagless deliveries. When you order your shopping with, you can choose to have your shopping delivered without carrier bags. Instead, your groceries will be delivered in our green trays. And we’ll give you 1 Green Clubcard Point for every 10 items you order too.

We’ve also cut the size of our carrier bags for stores where larger bags aren’t really needed, like in Tesco Express stores.

Até imagino os pulhas da plastimorte e da petromáfia se coçando de ódio com este tipo de notícia.

Para vocês só posso dizer, aceitem, vocês não irão continuar destruindo o mundo, a era do plástico indestrutível – leitor, o fato do plástico ficar 500 anos poluindo o planeta é praticamente um atestado de indestrutibilidade – está chegando ao fim.

Vida longa ao plástico oxi-biodegradável, vida longa ao plástico ambientalmente correto. Vida longa ao planeta e à humanidade.

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